Erick Vivas


Welcome to my blog. In love with California, so i will try to show you the best of it and a little more. Hope you have a nice stay!

Downtown San Francisco

Downtown San Francisco

The downtown San Francisco area has been an important part of the city’s economic, social, and cultural life for many decades. Unfortunately, in recent years the area has declined significantly due to a combination of factors. From a lack of investment to increased crime, the area’s current state is far from desirable. One of the primary issues in downtown San Francisco is a lack of investment. Over the years, downtown businesses and local goverment have failed to invest sufficient resources in the area, leaving it vulnerable to economic decline. Without adequate support, businesses have been unable to maintain their presence, leading to a decline in foot traffic and revenue. This has led to a vicious cycle, with fewer businesses leading to less investment, leading to fewer businesses, leading to further decline. Additionally, the Downtown San Francisco area has been hit hard by crime. Drug use and other criminal activity has crept into the area, creating an unsafe environment for business owners, visitors, and residents. This has had a severe impact on the area’s reputation and kept potential customers and businesses away.

Recently, a number of businesses have left Downtown San Francisco, including retail stores, banks, and restaurants. This is due to a combination of factors, including a decrease in foot traffic and patronage as well as an uptick in crime. Notable businesses that have left the area include Bank of America, the Gap, and Cornerstone. Other stores such as Sephora have closed down their physical locations and moved entirely online.

In order to reverse the current situation in Downtown San Francisco, it is crucial that local government steps up to offer businesses economic incentives to invest in the area. This could be in the form of tax breaks or grants. Additionally, local government, businesses, and the community must work together to address the root causes of the area’s decline. This includes an increase in police presence to reduce crime in the area, increased investment in public infrastructure, and outreach initiatives in the community. If the community and local government can work together to reduce crime and revitalize the area, it can become a safe and attractive destination for business investment and foot traffic once again.

Ginger water: Benefits and risks

Ginger water: Benefits and risks

Robinhood, the misleading app

Robinhood, the misleading app